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A Pox on Both your Monkeys

Writer's picture: shawnmb4640shawnmb4640

Well, it looks like our overlords have released a few more diseases out of their ‘Biolabs’ to help mold the world into a Godless totalitarian hellhole.

They are opting for the double threat of either the ‘Bird Flu’ or ‘Monkeypox.’  They will promote both to see which one gets the most bang for its buck.

The World Health Organization (WHO), a UN organization dedicated to enslaving us through health scare mania, has for the second year in a row warned us of the two pandemics they plan to unleash on us in the near future. 

This plan has a dual purpose.  First, they can enslave us by promoting fear of a horrible death.  Second, they can enrich the pharmaceutical companies who will give us our government sponsored ‘vaccine.’ 

The con seems fairly simple.

First the UN warns us of a devasting new disease (which probably does not exist) that will ravage humanity.  Our pharmaceutical companies then quickly come up with a ‘vaccine’ to treat this new human ravaging disease (I thought it took years to create a vaccine, these guys whip one up overnight). 

The government then uses taxpayer money to pay for these worthless vaccines that cure nothing and protect us from nothing.  Then the insiders invest in these pharmaceutical companies, because they know who will put out the ‘vaccine,’ and the evil Globalist investors get rich. 

Then the whole process repeats every few years when the evil Globalists need to buy more Communist minions to place into positions of power around the world. 

It’s like the circle of life.

It does not matter that these ‘vaccines’ do not work or are actually harmful.  This process is wealth driven, not healthcare driven.

The really sad thing is that one FDA report indicated that there is no evidence that ‘Monkeypox’ even exists.  My suspicion is that ‘Bird flu’ does not exist either. 

These ugly facts have not deterred the UN.

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is neither a general nor a health care professional, has announced that an upsurge in Monkeypox is occurring in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  The evil Globalists always claim that deadly pathogens are occurring there because few people are going to go on safari to Africa to find out if they are lying.

If there really is such a thing, it looks like Monkeypox is going to be the pandemic du jour for the foreseeable future.  They have not been able to get ‘Bird flu’ off the ground yet.

I would think ‘Bird flu’ would be a better con because it cannot be distinguished from the real flu.  But what do I know, I’m not a pathological liar.

I am certain we will see plenty of Africans suffering from some unknown malady that will be called Monkeypox to get the worldwide hysteria ramped up.  And since these people control the media there will be no way to disprove their claims.

There seems to be two vaccines that have been created for Monkeypox that the WHO’s strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization have ‘approved.’  Both should be very effective, especially if the disease is really rare or does not exist. 

Either way, it does not really matter anyway since their ‘approval’ was purchased, not based on sound science.

Each of these “experts” is probably no more qualified than Tedros to make health care decisions.

And two ‘vaccines’ will double the profits. 

Unless, of course, most people figure out this swindle and refuse to take it.

According to ‘The Expose,’ the South Africa Vaccine Injury Medico-Legal Study Group (SAVIMS) released a study stating that it does not support the findings of the African CDC.  They stated that there is no vaccine that will prevent Monkeypox, that this ‘vaccine’ has serious side effects, and there is a lack of evidence that it is actually spreading.

I hope the members of SAVIMS have their insurance paid up.  This kind of information can cause lots of evil people to lose big money.

Despite the lack of evidence, it is being claimed that Monkeypox is now spreading through several African countries. The African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, controlled by the evil Globalists, have declared a ‘public health emergency of continental security.’ 

Sounds really serious.

I wonder when America will get to have its own public health emergency of continental security.  Probably right around election time.

This is the first time that this organization has issued such an alert since it was established in 2017.  We are probably just witnessing a trial run to see how many gullible people fall for it. 

In 2022, Monkeypox allegedly swept through Africa and beyond.  It was primarily sexually transmitted and mainly affected homosexual men.  It also had a low fatality rate. 

The symptoms of Monkeypox include rash, fever and enlarged lymph nodes.  This rash lasts for 2-4 weeks and symptoms resolve on their own after a few weeks. 

According to WHO, the death rate is pretty low, between 0.1 and 10% of people who get it die. 

Looks like they are going to need to do some more ‘gain of function’ research to make this virus a bit more deadly.  Terrifying gay men will not cause a sufficient panic to take away everyone’s freedom.

It has been reported that it was discovered that children of the Democratic Republic of Congo have been infected with this disease.  This is likely a lie but has the potential to be very effective at frightening more people.

It is possible that they managed to manipulate this virus so that its transmission would be non-sexual and kill the most vulnerable.  We will have to see how this works out. 

Or they could just exaggerate the effects of the virus to scare us back into our homes.  All they need to do is follow the ‘Fauci Fraud’ and call every death that occurs during a proclaimed ‘pandemic’ a C-19 death. 

All they have to do is pretend the real flu does not exist anymore.  It’s easy when you have the power to censor anyone who might correct your lies.

In any event, the WHO can just declare a ‘pandemic’ whether one exists or not and manufacture some death statistics.  They have a nasty little scam running and no one in the media to call them on it.

The solution to this ‘pandemic’ is for our ‘experts’ to limit travel, except for themselves, and confine us to smaller spaces.  They will also be using Artificial Intelligence (AI),’ that they will personally program to be in compliance with their agenda, to monitor trends in rash and fever. 

Anyone who calls them on their malfeasance will quickly be accused of spreading ‘misinformation’ and vigorously censored.  They will be demonetized, delicensed, and thrown in prison if they persist.

And some of them may even ‘commit suicide.’

It is going to take a lot of brave people with medical knowledge to push back on this evil.  We will also need independent journalists to seek out the facts rather than just repeat what they are told by those in power. 

We will also need a lot of skeptical citizens who mistrust world organizations and the media.

Those who are comfortable with unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, who are paid off by wealthy eugenicists, dictating health policy are fools. 

In the meantime, we should not comply with their mandates or take their ‘vaccines.’  There is no telling how many people were killed or severely injured by the last ‘vaccine.’

Those who suggest non-compliance with this obvious hoax, of course, will bring out the Romans 13 brigade to remind us of our responsibility to obey the authorities. 

The problem is these rulers are not supposed to hold any terror for those who do right.  They are supposed to be God’s instrument to deal harshly with those who do wrong.

Demonic people are not in the habit of doing right.

These people call good evil and evil good so that is going to make obeying them very difficult. 

The ruling authorities are supposed to be God’s servant for doing good.  Their attempt to murder large numbers of people to enrich themselves means that they have abandoned God’s mandate to punish the wicked and reward the righteous. 

Ultimately, God is in control, and he will decide how much power he will allow these people to wield over the earth.  

And that will depend on the faithfulness of this current generation.

So, we can expect them to have a great deal of success with this and their many other deceptions. 

In the meantime, we should follow Christ’s advice to not worry and let God handle this foolishness.  However, we must always stand on the truth and point out their obvious ruses. 

We should call for a pox on the Globalist monkeys who do their bidding. 

In the spirit of Shakespeare, we should proclaim a pox on our Globalist owned government if it dares to promote this hoax and a pox on any Globalist owned Laodicean ‘churches’ that stand with them.                                                                         August 30, 2024                                                           

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