It seems that the FBI is still investigating a “shooting incident” at a Trump rally.
Apparently, this happened in Butler, Pennsylvania and resulted in the murder of one person, severe injuries to two others, and a mild injury to former President Trump.
The assailant was a white male who was a registered Republican. His family once allegedly put numerous signs in their yard supporting the former President.
Sounds like another white supremacist to me.
The FBI was forced to testify that this wayward youth was in possession of a phone with three encrypted platforms based in Germany, New Zealand and Belgium. His social media had been wiped clean. This kid also found himself in an advertisement for the evil Globalist firm Blackrock in 2022.
In other words, there is nothing to see here so move along.
Also, the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project claimed “that an individual who “regularly” visited the home and the workplace of former President Donald Trump’s would-be assassin also visited a building in the “same vicinity” of a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office in Washington, D.C.
In another post on social media, the Oversight Project said it identified multiple devices located at the home and workplace of the would-be assassin. “There were at least 9 devices linked to these AD-IDs,” the Oversight Project stated.”
My, this youth sure is mysterious.
Those who have watched the FBI operate over the last 60 years know where this is going. It will be found that this was a ‘lone wolf’ incident from a mentally disturbed young man confused by the violent political rhetoric of Donald Trump.
Hopefully, Trump has learned his lesson and is ready to reign in his imaginary hostile rhetoric. Of course, the Democrats are never held accountable for their actual hostile rhetoric while lying about Republicans faux hostile rhetoric.
In the meantime, we will be treated to misdirection and attempts to suppress the truth by the people who are supposed to be investigating this incident. The findings will be fairly mundane, such as extreme incompetence, and a media blackout of this event will occur as we approach the election.
They decided that all they had to do was fire the current Secret Service Director and the whole matter would be put to bed.
The likely truth of what actually occurred, however, is far more terrifying.
The FBI has failed in just about every investigation with political consequences it has ever engaged in, and this one will be no different.
Since they do not intend to do their jobs and get to the bottom of what really happened, I will do it for them.
First, Congress will need to find out which left wing extremist group this youth was involved with. My guess is it was Antifa. We need to know who recruited him and what his connections are to the evil Globalists.
There is no doubt someone at the FBI already knows the identity of this person.
While the FBI fruitlessly seeks to arrest patriots and Christians, those who are responsible for setting up this incident will be ignored. Christians and patriots are not a threat to the country, they are a threat to the evil Globalists.
That is why the good guys are always under investigation or locked in a D.C. gulag when a Democrat holds political power.
A legitimate investigative agency needs to start probing the real threats, which come from the left, rather than Christians and patriots who are no threat to the country.
Next, it would be really helpful if we had a functioning press corp. If we had a functioning press corp., we would already know who recruited him with the accompanying recommendation that the group he represented be placed on the domestic terrorist watch list.
Unfortunately, we no longer have a real press that deserves constitutional freedom.
Instead, the ‘press’ has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Godless Democrat Party.
And ultimately, the evil Globalists.
We will have to rely on independent reporters and ‘conspiracy theorists’ to figure out what really happened.
Next, we will need to determine which member of this leftist group saw this kid as the perfect patsy to pull off an assassination attempt. These people are always on the lookout for a dupe to do their bidding.
People are viewed as nothing more than pawns to be disposed of by the leadership of left-wing fanatics.
Then we need to determine to whom the message that the perfect patsy had been found was funneled. We need to uncover who had sufficient wealth and power to create the conditions to pull off an assassination attempt by an inexperienced bumbling fool.
And, no, it was not Iran.
There are a lot of wealthy people who stand to lose much of their ill-gotten wealth should America elect a legitimate President.
We conservatives used to support ‘the rich’ because we believed that they had earned their wealth through hard work and great ideas. We believed that the nation was improved by ordinary people doing extraordinary things (A little Rush Limbaugh lingo there for old times’ sake).
This may have been the case at one time but that is now seldom the case.
The ultra rich now make their wealth by manipulating politicians and engaging in wars that benefit only themselves. They are ‘insider traders’ who gain their wealth through corruption, use their wealth maliciously, and care nothing for the people whose lives they are destroying.
We need to know who convinced this youth that he would have the ability to waltz into a highly secure area, with a gun, a range finder, and a backpack, without being confronted. Also, we need to know how he was able to fly a drone over the area to scout it out and bring a large amount of explosives to the event with him.
Try that when a prominent Democrat is being protected.
Someone, with a lot of money and power, made the arrangements to ensure that this youth would be unmolested until he was able to get off several shots. There is no legitimate excuse, including incompetence, for any of this idiocy.
Then we need to know why the secret service failed to secure the building that would give this kid the best shot possible. They were apparently inside the building because it was too hot on the roof.
They must have wondered among themselves why some unknown person was stomping around on the roof on such a hot day prior to taking his shot. The heat did not seem to bother the shooter at all.
Way too many things went right for this twenty-year-old dolt to come that close to pulling off an assassination of a presidential candidate.
Since the press will not do its job, the average citizen is left to speculate as to what really happened. A good rule of thumb is to believe that whenever you see incredible acts of stupidity, especially when it benefits the left, to assume that an evil Globalist paid for it.
This type of senselessness costs a lot of money to procure.
Finally, we need to know why the snipers who were defending Trump were comfortable allowing the youth to fire off several shots before putting him down. He was identified as being suspicious by numerous people at least one minute before he began shooting.
If amateurs could see what was happening well in advance of the incident, what were the professionals thinking?
We know that the evil Globalists have inculcated DEI (I won’t bother translating this ridiculous acronym) into our culture with devastating effects. Its purpose is to ensure only the most unqualified and incompetent people achieve positions of power in business and government.
Such people are the most malleable, corruptible, and disposable.
It is the malleability of such people that allows such a poorly executed attempt at an assassination to come so close to success.
It is clear that whoever instigated this assassination plot did not care how the public perceived it. They were very comfortable with the idea that they, if the assassin had been successful, could put out any ridiculous narrative they wanted and there would be nothing anyone could do about it.
The ‘suicide’ of Jeffrey Epstein is a perfect example of how that works.
The public needs to understand that those who control our government are extremely evil and corrupt. They are driven by malice and the desire for ill-gotten gain, and they do not care how many people must die for them to achieve it.
And they do not care if our governmental institutions are discredited or seen as untrustworthy. As a matter of fact, that is just icing on the cake since they want to diminish the U.S. anyway.
Historically, we need to understand that there is a pattern of taking down Presidents that govern against the will of the evil Globalists:
· JFK was murdered by our government probably because he refused to go into Viet Nam. President Eisenhower was prophetic when he warned us to beware the Military Industrial Complex just a few years prior to this assassination.
· The reputation of Richard Nixon was destroyed (Watergate) because he dared to end our fruitless war in Viet Nam. There was also an apparent desire to install the oafish Gerald Ford, who was a member of the ‘deep state’ and an elitist, as Commander-in-Chief.
· The guy who shot Ronald Reagan really had no interest in impressing Jodie Foster.
Another good rule of thumb, when interpreting these events is to view one occurrence as an incident, twice as a coincidence, and three times as a pattern.
And now we have four.
The one thing these Presidents had in common is that they were a threat to the Globalist agenda. Their agenda has nothing to do with creating a great country, it is solely dedicated to their accumulation of wealth and power.
No one ever tried to ruin or kill our most worthless and corrupt Presidents. Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden all skated because they had one thing in common. They were either deluded morons or tools of a higher power.
And Republicans tend to be law-abiding citizens so very few would attempt to assassinate even the most wicked of Presidents.
Those who were at the heart of these tragedies were never held accountable for their evil. And those who perpetrated the attempted assassination of President Trump will not be held accountable either.
Thank you ‘mainstream press.’
The one thing the evil Globalists share in common is that they do not believe that they will be subject to the wrath of God. They are pagans who are certain that they can thwart the will of the Creator of the Universe and install their own cronies into positions of power in violation of the laws of society.
They do not know it yet, but they are under divine judgment.
It should be apparent by now that these people will not be held accountable by any world authority. They will continue to perpetrate evil until God holds them accountable.
Unfortunately for them, their enjoyment of the ‘two-tiered justice system’ of the world only makes it more likely that they will not repent. They will probably have their best life now, but their eternity is devastatingly bleak.
All the plotting and planning of the evil Globalists will come to nothing. They may gain the entire world, but they will lose their eternal souls.
Even now they have begun to take their stand against the Lord and his anointed one (Jesus, not Trump). It is not just their perversions of God’s law that will lead them into judgment. Their pro-Palestinian/Muslim minions are hard at work attempting to intimidate the American people into turning on the people of Israel.
At some point, they will achieve their goal. It will not be long before they and their underlings will stand against the Lord, with their god Satan, to face him down in the Valley of Megiddo.
They have broken the chains and fetters of God’s law and have begun to enforce their own will upon the world.
They had best heed the words of the Psalmist:
Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you.9 You will make them as a blazing oven when you appear. The Lord will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them.10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth, and their offspring from among the children of man.11 Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed.12 For you will put them to flight; you will aim at their faces with your bows (Psalm 21:-8-13).
When these people, and their false god, are finally dealt with, the redeemed will cry out in joy:
13 Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength! We will sing and praise your power.
Even so, come Lord Jesus. July 26, 2024
