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Britain Demands a King

Well… not yet.  But it’s coming.

The Red-Green alliance (alliance of Communists and Muslims) has succeeded in the revolutionary takeover of the government of Great Britain.

Their problems are now much larger than illegal immigration.

The voting public of the U.K. delivered a decisive victory to the Labor Party that will completely change Britain from a ‘socialist lite’ country to a ‘everyone being equally miserable’ country. 

And the Communists didn’t even need any bloodshed to do it.

As poverty is imposed on the people of this once great nation, the discontent will only grow. 

The evil Globalists will use their Communist and Muslim lackeys to keep the rest of the populace in line.  Any time someone demands sanity, these groups will rise up and riot, taking lives and property and causing chaos and misery to the decent citizens who make the country work. 

France is experiencing the same process that the evil Globalists use to subject a nation to Communist rule.  It would be a very good idea for the people of the U.S. to watch how the evil Globalists work to convince a society to give up its freedom.

America has its own domestic terrorists who will be called upon when it is our turn to embrace ‘Benevolent Despotism.’

The riots have already begun in Britain to let the citizens know who is in charge now.  Fear is an excellent tool of subjugation.  There is now no one to defend them as left-wing extremists all over Britain gained seats in Parliament.

The left-wing kooks (called centrists by our corrupt media) made gains in the south and smaller parties, like the Greens, also picked up a number of seats.  The ‘Conservatives’ were really not that great at implementing conservatism and they were ousted. 

And the fact that most of Britain’s churches are dead, and the majority of its people faithless, did not help their cause. 

The numerous empty churches in England testify against them.

Now the good people of England are at the mercy of those who are the equivalent of Bolsheviks of the Russian Revolution of 1917.  I hope they enjoyed freedom while it lasted.

There is no way they will recover from this.

The labor party has announced five missions to ‘rebuild’ Britain.  Of course, Britain has not been dismantled yet, but that will come when the initiatives of the labor party are implemented.

First, Labor intends to “kickstart economic growth.”  They will no doubt attempt to accomplish this with greater taxation, more regulation and more government control of people’s daily lives. 

This, of course, will result in the exact opposite of economic growth.

Second, they will make Britain a “clean energy superpower.”  They will push for net zero energy usage which turns every nation that embraces this theology into an economic superpower. 

That was a joke, it results in poverty and misery everywhere it’s tried.

Third, they will “take back the streets.”  The streets will now be safe for Communists and Muslims to force their will on the public without legal reprisal.  The good people of Britain need to prepare for evil and injustice the likes of which they have never seen.

Fourth, they will “break down barriers to opportunity.”  The ‘loyalists’ of Great Britain, excluding white males, will be placed into positions of authority to ensure the power of the new elites will never be threatened.

And anyone who dares to show any patriotism will become a target of their new, corrupt government.

Finally, they will “build an NHS (National Health Service) fit for the future.”  The new NHS will become even more useless and inaccessible than it was under the previous socialist lite government. 

And only ‘favored’ citizens will be able to access what is left of it.

The ‘Flu Bug Hysteria’ protocols of the last few years will seem ‘enlightened’ compared to how these people will conceive and implement health care.

The first ‘steps for change’ for the Communist elites will be even more ambitious.


First, they will “deliver economic stability.”  Here come price controls which fail everywhere they are tried.  Looks like a lot of Brits will be going out of business and headed for government dependency.


Second, they will “cut NHS waiting times.”  Here comes euthanasia.


Third, they will “launch a new border security command.”  The command will be to allow more Muslims and Communists to enter the country to secure their power. 


Fourth, they will “set up Great British Energy.”  The government will take over the energy sectors resulting in much less energy.  Only citizens loyal to the regime will receive reliable energy.


As for the rest of the citizenry, they will get green energy with its rolling blackouts and ‘smart meters’ that can be turned off if the plebs use too much energy.


Fifth, they will “crack down on antisocial behavior.”  Anyone engaging in public Christianity, patriotism, or anything that threatens the regime and its evil Globalist masters will be dealt with severely.


Sixth, “Recruit 6,500 new teachers.”  Here comes the Communist propaganda agents who will work diligently to corrupt the youth.


After a few years of this nonsense, the people of Britain will be begging for a king. 


Not coincidentally, they actually have a king who is ready to step forward to lead the good people of Great Britain, Australia and Canada.  King Charles, unless he assumes room temperature (a little Rush Limbaugh lingo there), will eagerly wield royal power at the behest of the people.


The people of Britain will find that their new monarch marches in lock step with the left-wing fanatics that will have already caused havoc in their country.  The only difference will be that they will be ruled by a king who cannot be questioned.


And can deliver judgment by fiat.


To help him secure social control over the indigenous citizenry, he will have the pope and the Vatican at his side.  They will assist in opposing the ‘heretics’, which are those who will be classified as racists, climate deniers, anti-immigrant ‘haters’ or homophobes. 


We will have to wait to see what the preferred punishment will be for those who do not like the new order.  It sounds like they are expanding their prison capacity to deal with anyone who resists their destructive policies.


It also seems that the good people of Britain will be reciting a new pledge of allegiance to their monarch.  In my article, “Nine more to Go,” I included an opinion piece by Laura Beers in which she writes:


“But one element of the ceremony will break decidedly with tradition – British and Commonwealth citizens around the globe have been invited to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the new monarch and his “heirs and successors.”

This demand did not go over very well according to Miss Beers.  She claimed that Justin Welby, who authorized the new liturgy, presented it as a democratic initiative. 

Something tells me that Justin is not a great defender of freedom or liberty (my commentary). 

This ‘pledge’ used to be called “the homage of peers” of the king.  However, it has been renamed as a “homage of the people.”

Beers writes, “The Archbishop (Justin) will invite those who wish, from the United Kingdom and the other Realms both within the Abbey, and those watching and listening at home, to make their homage by sharing in the same words – a chorus of millions of voices enabled for the first time in history to participate in this solemn and joyful moment,” said the statement.

The official definition of ‘homage’ is a formal public acknowledgment of feudal allegiance (once again, my commentary). 

So, get on your knees and make a joyful noise, British serf (I’m done).”

The agenda of Sustainable Development will be on steroids under the supervision of their new king and there will be no hope of freedom for the people of Great Britain.

When a nation turns its back on God, God turns his back on that nation.  He turns it over to Satan and his minions to squeeze out the last of the penitent who will arise out of this sewer of iniquity. 

The nation of Great Britain will never be what it once was. 

Fortunately, the few who are still faithful in Great Britain will only have to endure this evil for a few short years. 

Once we see the ten kings ascend to their thrones, we will know that the end is near.  We can take comfort in the fact that their reign will be short and will end badly for them. 

Christ encourages us:

12 “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:12-13).”

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”  Whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

We are only on this planet for a short time.  Accept the free gift of salvation while it is still available. 

The world is beginning to close in on us.                                                                         August 09, 2024             




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