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Judgement Begins in the Church

Writer's picture: shawnmb4640shawnmb4640

It is time for judgment to begin with the family of God.

And if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God?

Good question.

It looks like the British just answered that question for us.

When our churches die, our nation gets turned over to the some of the most evil and oppressive leaders on the planet. 

According to a story by Bob Unruh, the ‘Church’ of England has decided that they no longer want to be identified as a ‘church.’  They have begun to suffer from spiritual dysphoria and have transformed themselves into something else entirely.

They are now ‘trans-Christian.’

They are no longer bound to the old spiritual binary of being either Christian or non-Christian.  They have ‘transcended’ the Christian faith so that now everyone is saved, and no one is condemned.

That is, except those who dare to reject their new social construct. 

To this new breed, the word ‘church’ is not comprehensive enough.  When they start new dioceses, they have found it necessary to come up with a new name to describe them.  Since they do not preach the Gospel anymore, and they proclaim a different Jesus, they need a name that will accurately describe what it is that they are doing. 

Perhaps they can now call themselves ‘The Satanic Temple (TST).’  They may as well admit it and get it over with.

Since that name is taken, they may be better off just calling themselves ‘Soldiers for Satan (SS).’  That has a nice ring to it, fully describes their character, and evokes fond memories of a great leader in European history.

They have begun their ‘transition’ to a non-church by joining the pronoun movement. The demonic principles of the ‘transgender’ cult is much more in keeping with their values. 

They love the world far more than they love Christ (He/Him).

In keeping with their worldly ways, they now have LGBT-promoting ceremonies, they advocate for abortion, and they will no doubt offer accolades to those who sexually mutilate children. 

They have decided that Jesus was not progressive enough for their tastes, so they just changed the mission of the church to be more in keeping with their new values.  Oh, sure, Christ was going to build his church on the confession that he is the Christ, the Son of the living God, but that doesn’t bring much of a crowd.

It is too divisive.

The main reason they want to drop the word ‘church’ is to bring in more people to feed the collection plate. They did some research and found that Jesus was all wet when he limited his church to preaching the Gospel.  That message does not bring in enough donors.

In their study, “New Things: A theological investigation into the work of starting new churches across 11 dioceses in the Church of England,” they found enlightenment.

The study discovered that, over the last ten years, not one of their new dioceses used the term ‘church plant’ or ‘church’ to describe the abomination they just erected.  One diocese, that was on the cutting edge of progressive thought, used the term ‘fresh expressions’ or ‘pioneering’ as its latest descriptor.

When Jesus sent out the twelve, He should have had his disciples do a similar study before allowing them to embark on their missionary work.

They believe that, since the term ‘church’ was not used by these new dioceses, it might be wise to engage in some theological reflection.  Instead of just calling these new dioceses heretics, and removing their church status, the ‘Church’ of England thought it might be useful to investigate whether the question, ‘what is church?’ was worth exploring.

Not amazingly, they found that this question was worth exploring.

These people have discovered that not only are they hampered by the inability to define what a woman is, but now they don’t know what a church is either.  Perhaps they should refer to themselves as ‘agnostics’ since they really don’t know much of anything.

If we go to the Church of England home page, we find that one of the ‘new things’ this church has discovered is how to call good evil and evil good.

They have issued a prayer for the Muslims and Communists who have been left “injured, traumatized, and afraid” of the evil ‘rioters’ who want their country back.  Those British patriots who don’t want to pay for illegal aliens to take over their country, and force their godless values on their society, are not on board with DEI.

Special note: When the good guys ‘riot,’ it just involves them protesting in the streets against evil and oppression.  There is likely no property damage, and little physical violence, unless the corrupt government puts some of their own people in the crowds to cause trouble.

The corrupt Western press calls patriots protesting ‘rioters’ and anarchists who rape, murder and pillage ‘peaceful protesters.’  A harmless little word game.

The former ‘Church of England’ sent up a prayer, to whatever god they worship, that the police will throw the British patriots in prison.  It is their hope that ‘law-enforcement’ will let those poor criminals out of prison to make room for those Brits who refuse to submit to the ideology of social justice.

Robbers, muggers, rapists and murderers deserve compassion, after all.

This silly church then has the gall to falsely accuse the patriots of violence and hatred.  There is a little pushing and shoving, but that is an underreaction given what their government is doing to them.

The Communists and Muslims, of course, are promoting ‘peace and respect’ since they are the recipient of the better part of the two-tiered (in)justice system.  They are the “mostly peaceful protesters” who cause havoc and destruction when they riot.

The Church of England claims that their vocation is to “proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ afresh in each generation.”  They will be preaching that everyone is keen with God, except those dastardly fundamentalists, to a new generation of naïve young people.

If they are like most other false teachers, they will pull the old ‘bait and switch’ to sucker people into their cult. They make generic statements about Jesus and the Gospel and then move forward with their real agenda.

They essentially say, “yeah, that Jesus guy was great, but let’s forget about him and move on to our top priorities.”

Their top three priorities are:

1.    To become a church of missionary disciples. This priority begs the question, “if you are not a church, what are your ‘missionary disciples’ up to?

2.    To be a church where mixed ecology is the norm.  Yeah, Jesus was all about ‘mixed ecology.’  This term is one of their “fresh expressions” in which they welcome a rich variety of “countenances” of church locally, nationally and across the world.  It is a “multiplex church” that allows followers of Christ to celebrate their participating in the kingdom of God in different ways.  Sounds kind of gay to me.

3.    To be a church that is younger and more diverse.  They have discovered that old people are not easily manipulated so they need inexperienced, naïve young people to indoctrinate with false doctrine. 

Are there any students of the Bible who recognize any of the above ‘priorities’ as canonical?

I didn’t think so.

They then move on to list their “six bold outcomes” that they hope to achieve through whatever their ‘missionary disciples’ are doing.

Bold Outcome #1: Doubling the number of children and young active disciples in the Church of England by 2030.  There’s that date again.  I think the evil Globalists want to have a totalitarian world government by that date.  I wonder if there is a connection.

Bold outcome #2: A Church of England which fully represents the communities we serve in age and diversity.  I don’t think they will meet their goal of ‘representation’ through the call to repentance and the forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus.  What if too many of the wrong ethnicity show up and repent?

Bold outcome #3: A parish system revitalized for mission so churches can reach and serve everyone in their community.  They will ‘reach’ the people with false doctrine and ‘serve’ notice on them that they better fall in line if they know what is good for them.

Bold outcome #4: Creating ten thousand new Christian communities across the four areas of home, work/education, social and digital.  This is getting scary.  Rick Warren has the same plan with his ‘Finishing the Task’ scheme.

Bold outcome #5: All Christians in the Church of England envisioned, resourced and released to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the whole of life, bringing transformation to the church and world.  A whole bunch of useful idiots pushing the left-wing agenda of Satan and his minions.

Is the great falling away that is coming beginning to make sense to everyone?

Bold outcome #6: All local churches, supported by their diocese, becoming communities and hubs for initial and ongoing formation.  It is what they are ‘forming’ that people of faith should be really scared of. 

It’s a good thing these people do not refer to their new atrocity as a church anymore. 

As an added bonus, the lovely and gracious Reverend Lynda Davies will show everyone how ‘café’ church has helped the congregation grow in reaching their community.  They can now meet in café’s, instead of a church-like building, like the communists of old.

The Commune of England (previously the Church of England) has not bothered to explain how they get around that little admonition from the Apostle Paul of the church not allowing female pastors. 

That is why they don’t want to be a church anymore.  Too exclusive.

And there you have it.  The perfect ‘church’ for the end of the church age.  A congregation that does not realize that they are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

And this is why God will have no mercy on the people of England.  He will give them the type of leadership that they deserve, one that is in keeping with the spiritual condition of their ‘church.’

Jesus stands outside of this church knocking.  It is highly unlikely that any of these people will hear and open the door to him.                                                                         October 4, 2024                       

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