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Writer's picture: shawnmb4640shawnmb4640

The cultural degradation of the West, and its effects on relationships, is one of the more disheartening occurrences of the last days of the church age.

The agenda of the feminization of men and the masculinization of women, perpetrated by the evil Globalists to subjugate the world, is having a devastating effect on relationships. 

That is, relationships between men and women, not the perverse nonsense that is passing for relationships in this era. 

This agenda is being promoted by our media, our entertainment industry, our businesses and our government.  Deluded morons are being purchased by the thousands, and being placed into positions of power, to enforce this idiocy on the rest of us. 

All these outlets are being transformed into a bunch of propaganda machines. 

One of the more depressing shows that explore modern day relationships is called “Legion of Men.”

The show is directed primarily towards men and how marriage has turned into a raw deal for them.  Our society has been so degraded that relationships have become a burden to men rather than a wonderful union that develops as God intended.

If a wife decides to leave her husband, which is most of the time in modern relationships, she can legally take half of everything he has.  This makes it very difficult for a man to find another woman because of his financial obligations to the one who left him for ‘greener pastures.’ 

The primary theme of the show seems to be that our society, which has embraced feminism, has elevated women to a position where they are entitled to whatever they want.  When a man asserts his authority, he is ‘mansplaining,’ demonstrating ‘toxic masculinity,’ or is trying to enforce the ‘patriarchy’ on his poor, innocent victim.

To make matters worse, when young women get on social media, they are deceived into believing that there is a whole new world out there that they are missing out on.  They then leave their boring partner and seek out ‘top tier men’ rather than be stuck with an ‘ordinary man’ to build a life with. 

While engaged in this folly, they find that time passes them by while they are at the peak of their attractiveness.  When their beauty begins to fade in their thirties, they come to the realization that they have hit a relationship ‘wall.’ 

Unmarried women by the age of thirty begin to lose much of their value as women in the eyes of men.  To make matters worse, women become more cynical and harsh the more failed relationships that they have.

As little as twenty years ago women used to understand the need to secure a husband in their early twenties.  As feminism grew in status in the West, this realization faded.  Time quickly passes these women by, and they find themselves increasingly alone as they age. 

The conclusions drawn by the host about the status of relationships today are not optimistic.  Many women have become hostile to men, and many will claim that they would rather be in the woods with a bear than a man.

The hosts best advice is for American men is to get out of the West and try to find traditional women in Eastern or ‘less developed countries.’ 

This strategy is not exactly foolproof because feminism has begun to reach into other cultures as well.  Social media seems to have a corrupting influence on women worldwide.

Even China is beginning to experience it. 

The host examines marriages around the world and reveals that fewer people, even outside the West, are tying the knot.  This is a frightening turn of events because it means that marriage is becoming obsolete among the heathen.

We in the West, who were supposed to carry God’s word to the heathen world, have begun to pervert marriage.  With the advent of Godless idiocy of ‘gay marriage,’ the term marriage no longer has any meaning among those whom the world believes are ‘Christians.’

What we are witnessing worldwide are the effects of faithlessness.  When we sever our connection with God, the Holy Spirit withdraws from the world, leaving it to its own devices.  And He takes his wonderful gifts with him.

The effect on every aspect of our lives, especially relationships, is devastating.

The idea of marriage is built around the understanding that a man and a woman become ‘as one’ to build a life together.  This understanding, which is vanishing, has been understood for the last six thousand years. 

It requires some degree of moral character to endure the daily grind of work and family.  Those with weak moral character, brought about by faithlessness, are unable to see that the rewards of a loving relationship far exceed any monetary or utilitarian value.

Worse still, people’s ability to raise children properly has also been severely damaged.

That fact is that raising children is as easy as developing a relationship.  All that is required is (1) love the child, (2) provide moral training, (3) administer discipline, and (4) Provide age-appropriate autonomy to the child. 

This comes naturally to any parent who has not been corrupted by sin or bad ideology. 

Unfortunately, faithless people lack the wisdom and humility necessary to adjust their thoughts and behaviors to meet the needs of the opposite sex or to engage in effective child rearing.

We Christian men, who have not been feminized, do not struggle with these problems.  We create our own little bubbles and work to ensure that the world is kept away from our families. 

When we emerge from our bubbles and watch in horror at what if occurring around us among the heathen, we feel compelled to tell the world where their error lies.

Knowing full well that our reward will be the ridicule of the ignorant.

Since that is why God put us here, I guess I may as well get on with it.

Relationships are actually very simple but are made complex when bad ideology, and sin, is added to them.  A relationship is a natural occurrence and should not be all that difficult.

The goal of every relationship should be marriage, and this should be understood by both partners who begin dating.  When you are dating, or courting, it is for the purpose of finding a suitable spouse to raise children and grow old with.

If you are wondering what a good marriage looks like, you can gain a greater understanding by reading what Paul said constitutes a good marriage:

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church…as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.  Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up to her to make her holy… (Ephesians 5:22-25).”

When both partners agree to this arrangement in matrimony, and never lose sight of it, they can look forward to a long and happy marriage.  It is crucial during the dating process that both members of the developing relationship ensure that the other intends to uphold his/her end of the bargain. 

The man is expected to uphold his role as a man if he expects his wife to submit to his authority.  His obligation is to love her as Christ loves the church and take charge of the spiritual development of his wife and family. 

Unfortunately, there is a demonic agenda at work that is designed to thwart this process.

This agenda is occurring at an international level and is not going to stop until the world submits to a totalitarian form of government.  It takes a great deal of wealth and power to force businesses, media, entertainment industries, and governments around the world to promote demonic values rather than Godly ones.

The host of the show ‘legion of men,’ ‘has begun to run afoul of this propaganda agenda.  His show is currently being scrutinized by the communist minions of the evil Globalists and more pressure will be brought to bear to encourage him to either feminize his show or find another line of work. 


Anyone who gets in the way of this agenda will eventually be censored, ruined financially or given the ‘Trump treatment.’ 

Those who oppose the entertainment or media propaganda machine, such as ‘Nerdrotic’ and ‘The Critical Drinker’ are also feeling the heat.

The evil Globalists need an effeminate society to impose a worldwide totalitarian government upon it. At some point they will see to it that these shows are banned worldwide. 

It is unfortunate that international agendas must be brought into this discussion, but people need to know the source of the worldwide manipulation and deception that is currently being perpetrated. 

And anyone who falls for this deception needs to take responsibility for their own foolishness.

Men need to understand that when they are accused of ‘misogyny,’ this is a compliment.  This accusation is delivered by deluded morons who have adopted the demonic values of the evil Globalists and have abandoned common sense.

Men should continue acting in a ‘misogynistic’ fashion until they reach the pinnacle of manliness the left refers to as ‘toxic masculinity.’

Also, there has been an international concerted effort to remove God from every aspect of our lives.  Many of our churches have been rendered useless, our families have been mercilessly attacked by the Godless, and our government, schools, and businesses are pushing perversion into every area of our lives. 

These obstacles can only be overcome through faith in the God who created us.

And this faith should be shared by both members of a relationship.

It should be reiterated that relationships occur naturally.  It is when we add sin to the pursuit of a relationship that things begin to fall apart. 

A good guiding principal for a solid relationship is ‘When we follow God’s law, good things happen.’  The evil Globalists have a strong desire to ‘change God’s law’ to promote their own demented rules.

They intend to inculcate pornography, sexual anarchy, and various forms of fornication (adultery, child molestation, homosexuality) into every society to disrupt the normal relationship process.   

Families are an obstacle to their ambitions.  They intend to destroy families and relationships by glorifying every form of fornication.  And they intend to force their perversions on children as soon as they emerge from the womb. 

To combat this agenda, the people of the world need to develop an enduring respect for God’s moral law. 

In the area of relationships, the greatest sin that interferes with the courtship process is fornication.

The most important thing that a woman needs to understand is, if she wants a strong relationship with a man, she needs to inform him that there will be no sex prior to marriage.  This is how a woman filters out suitors who are not serious.

A woman’s virginity is highly valued by men the world over.  To give it away so callously does severe damage to their ability to form a strong relationship in the future.

If a woman has made the mistake of losing her virginity, she still has hope.  All she must do is repent of her sin to restore her value. 

If she explains to a man that she intends to be chaste until marriage, but he finds this unacceptable, she needs to send him packing.  He is going move on once he gets what he wants so she may as well stay in God’s good graces. 

When we examine the interaction between fornication and the stages of a mature relationship it is much easier to see where things go wrong.

Relationships can be broken down into about seven stages:

Stage One: Attraction

Fornication at this stage effectively ends the relationship.  There is no hope for long term romance.

Stage Two: Exploring Compatibility

Fornication at this stage reduces the passion for the relationship until it is non-existent.  When that occurs, one really must ‘work at the relationship’ even though it is likely doomed.  Men begin to lose interest in the relationship and women respond in like fashion. 

Stage Three: Establishing Trust

Fornication at this stage results in a lack of trust in the relationship.  The lack of faith in one’s partner bodes poorly for those who want a long-term relationship.

Stage Four: Proclamation of love for one another

Fornication at this stage is still destructive but can be overcome.  One still must work at the relationship instead of allowing it to be driven by natural passion.  Men and women need to understand that fornication does not bring you closer together, it is a sin that causes you to drift apart.

Stage Five: Engagement

Fornication at this stage is much easier to overcome but the wise move is to wait until God blesses your relationship.  He is the one who binds you together.

Stage Six: Marriage

The sin of fornication is no longer an issue.  The marriage bed is undefiled.  Both participants work to build a life together and sanctify one another. 

Stage Seven: Family

One can look forward to a long and happy marriage and family when God’s law is followed.

God was very clear regarding his displeasure with fornication.  In the Book of Corinthians his Holy Spirit declares:

Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.  And that is what some of you were.  But you were washed, your were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (I Corinthians 6:9-11).

Fornication is a relationship killer. 

It interferes with God’s first commandment to “be fruitful and increase in number” because it reduces, or eliminates, the natural passion for one’s partner.  It results in failed relationships, loneliness, adultery, sexual immorality of every sort.  And it causes one of the worst social ills ever created by man.

The practice that the heathen call ‘abortion.’

It should not be that difficult for even the heathen to determine that fornication is a bad idea.  That should be apparent after the first time one engages in it.  It is reckless and foolish. 

It is like taking crack cocaine, only crack has less severe consequences.

Those who continue to engage in fornication, despite the alarm bells from their conscience, have begun to harden their hearts against the Lord.  Those who glorify their ‘body count (number of sexual partners)’ are in the same boat.  Anyone who joins himself/herself to a Godless person may as well be joined to a prostitute or a stripper.

People who engage in this type of behavior have no conscience.

The fact that a romantic partner has a high ‘body count’ should serve as the first clue that this person is not spouse material.  Especially if he/she is proud of it.

Fortunately, even for those who were once in rebellion against God in their fornications, there is hope. 

All one must do, regardless of his or her ‘body count,’ is repent of their fornications and sin no more.  Repentance reestablishes your ‘spiritual virginity.’  Our previous sins are of no account to those who repent.  God will cast all your sins into the bottom of the sea.

Repentance is the only way for the fornicator to restore himself or herself to being ‘relationship material.’

The host of the “Legion of Men” recommends that men leave the country to find a suitable, feminine woman.  However, finding a woman overseas can be just as perilous as finding one in the West. 

A heathen is a heathen, after all.

As for Christians, many are now forced to find a mate through what was once termed ‘missionary dating.’  This form of dating is often necessary for those who are members of a faithful church and are tired of being alone. 

Most of our churches are dead because God’s law and his Gospel are no longer preached there.  That means that even those in the church cannot be relied upon to be real Christians. 

The strongest relationships are among those who testify to the Gospel and live by its tenets.  If you respect and adhere to the fact that Christ died for your sins, and refuse to compromise with this wicked generation, that will help to ensure that sin never enters your household.

A man that is husband material testifies to the truth of the Gospel.

The modern-day dating scene is a nightmare.  Bad ideology abounds which makes it nearly impossible to form a relationship with another person.

Therefore, the first stage of a relationship, or any endeavor, is to follow Paul’s advice:

12 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:1-2).

Once you have been sanctified by God through repentance, then you must find a mate who is equally committed to sanctification.

Any woman who wants to understand what her role is in a relationship can review Proverbs 31:10-31.  If a woman is appalled by this, every man should be appalled by her.

Men would do well to review Psalms 37:23-40.  The spiritual oversight of his wife and family is his primary responsibility.                                                                         August 23, 2024                       


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