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When the Wicked Thrive

Writer's picture: shawnmb4640shawnmb4640

Those who are bent on evil in this generation seem to have no fear that they will be held accountable for their wickedness. 

We see this in our Injustice Department (formerly the DOJ) where the righteous are prosecuted and imprisoned while real criminals roam the streets.  It is also obvious that the Department of Investigating the Good Guys (formerly the FBI) shows absolutely no interest in investigating or capturing criminals.

They spend far more time harassing those who stray from the agenda of their masters.

Both organizations defend the wicked who engage in wanton destruction while patriots and people of faith are harassed and punished.  And neither organization seems the least bit concerned that they will be held accountable for their evil.

So, what is the source of their confidence?

We see this same phenomenon up north in Canada where free speech has almost completely been eliminated by Justin Trudeau.  Those who dare to tell the truth are accused of ‘hate speech’ and are in danger of being ruined and losing their freedom.  They are censored and threatened if they dare to continue telling the truth.

Justin seems to have no fear of the people that he is oppressing voting for a rival political party and kicking his worthless hide to the curb.  This guy must think he is the Prime Minister of France.  Or maybe Maduro.

That confidence is awful bold for any politician.

In Great Britain, Herr Starmer of the Nazi Party (formerly the Labor Party) is exercising totalitarian power over the people with no fear of reprisal.  He shows absolutely no respect for his people but, instead, seems to dislike them intensely. 

Herr Starmer is acting like he will never leave office regardless of how badly he treats those he governs.

When evil leaders are able to censor and punish those who wander from the agenda of our overlords, justice is driven back and righteousness stands at a distance.  Truth stumbles in the streets and honesty cannot enter. 

Truth is nowhere to be found and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.

And since the evil Globalists have purchased the leaders of most nations, and it is nearly impossible to extract them, there is no one left to intercede.

That brings us to the pope.

We need to ask ourselves why this guy has absolutely no fear of being held accountable for his mischief.  He can make the most Godless, heretical statements a religious figure can make, and few even try to correct him.

Those few who do try are excommunicated and hardly heard from again.

The majority of the 1.3 billion Catholics in the world, including the hierarchy at the Vatican, seem to have absolutely no problem whenever he reveals himself to be a false teacher.  This is the guy they call ‘Holy Father.’ 

It is difficult to get more profane than that. 

Those who call themselves Catholic have shown themselves to be nothing more than creatures of the world.  The few that stand up for the Christian faith are quickly purged, or fall silent in fear, as this guy spews falsehood everywhere he goes.

There is no question that this man carries with him the spirit of the antichrist.  He is from the world, and he speaks from the viewpoint of the world.

And the world listens to him.

His ‘church’ ousted the previous pope fairly easily but he seems to have no concern that he will be subject to the same indignity.

His latest outrage was when he told young people in Singapore that being ‘Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, and Christian are just different paths (as every religion was a path) to God.

Waheguru did not send his only Son to die for our Sins.  Neither did Allah or Vishnu. 

There is only one God who so loved the world that he sent his only Son to die for our sins.  Whoever believes in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.

Whoever believes in Christ is not condemned, but whoever does not believe in him stands condemned already.

And the pope does not believe in Him.

The pope is ushering these people in through the wide gate that leads to destruction.  Jesus told us that many were going to enter through it.  They will see God, but the God they see will be a God of wrath and vengeance. 

Instead of sharing the Gospel with these people, he decided to engage them in ‘inter-religious’ dialogue.  He was ‘struck’ by the people of Singapore’s eager desire to engage in a religious chat. 

As long as he does not proclaim the Gospel to these people, they will listen to him drone on all day long.

“Every religion is a way to God, he moaned, “There are different languages to arrive at God but God is God for all.”  He studiously avoided that pesky little idea of repentance.

After all, God does not want anyone to perish but all to come to repentance.  That includes repenting of being a Muslim, a Sikh, or a Hindu. 

Too bad this pathetic Jesuit did not share that with his audience. 

He went on to enlighten the heathen with more worldly wisdom.  Francis urged that no religion be given priority but that individuals instead focus on parity between beliefs.

The pope stated, “We don’t want to start a fight among ourselves as to which religion is true and which is false.”  Since we all have our own ‘truth’ now, I guess that means the Great Commission is off the table down at the Vatican.

Not that it was ever on the table.

There is no question that this creature came out of the earth to lead the unwary into the arms of the antichrist.  The next ‘Holy Father’ will be even worse.

The pope’s little homily was well received by all his listeners as they, too, are in complete rebellion against God.  He cautioned any true evangelists who may be among these people to not try to ‘bully’ the pagans with the Gospel.

The pope said it takes a lot of courage to engage in inter-religious dialogue.  On that count he is correct.  The pope has shown that he is willing to brave the fires of hell for all eternity to deceive these people with feel good nonsense. 

In his warped world, he calls that ‘love.’ 

“You can build and move forward with inter-religious dialogue when you respect each other, and this is very important.”

The prophet Elijah must have forgotten that little jewel of wisdom when he was ‘dialoguing’ with the priests of Baal.

The pope closed his meeting by urging all present to pray for each other in silence.  He called for God’s blessing upon the people and asked them to pray for him.

I am certain that Allah, Waheguru, and Vishnu will spread their wonderful blessings all over him and the other rebels.  

The Roman Catholic ‘Church’ teaches that it is the one true church, and every soul must belong to it to be saved.  That is scary when you consider the bulk of Catholics are fiercely loyal to this commune. 

There is very little resistance to the evil that he is spewing so we can assume that the vast majority of Catholics are on board with it.  The pope has seen how weak and pathetic the visible church is in this generation and intends to take full advantage of it. 

The source of their confidence seems to be a group of very powerful people, who control a great deal of wealth, who have the means to ensure that these people prosper.  All the ‘right’ people must be put in place, all over the world, so that there is no one with political power who can arise and put a stop to their evil.

Is there any question that this church is a prostitute that sits on many waters?  Is it really all that hard to imagine that the kings of the earth will commit adultery with her?

In the very near future, the inhabitants of the earth will be intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.

After the rapture, the kings of the earth will get tired of her whoring.  They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked.

However, Christians still need to contend with her as she leads the great falling away from the faith at the end of the church age.  This church will be the primary source of last days deception, and she is off to a fast start.

By 2030, she will be going full throttle.

Our work is cut out for us because he is the pope and we are just a bunch of vagabonds with a message of repentance.  The sad truth is that most people are far more impressed with his titles, popularity and wealth than with our message of salvation. 

The pope and those who are loyal to his ‘church’ will be coming for us at the end of the church age.  It is going to get really ugly.

And that is not too far in the future.

7 Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. 8 You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand (James 5:7-8).                                                             September 27, 2024



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